Welcome to My Soul

Writing is a vulnerable act. It’s also a connective and healing act. I chose to become a writer and storyteller because there was nothing else I would think of being. Stories have been some of the most powerful forces in my life because they aren’t afraid to be raw and real, and that’s what I want to choose to be despite the fear of bearing my soul through the written word.

But I do not want to get to the end of my life with a head and heart full of untold stories.

When the Magician Stops Believing in Magic
Personal, Filmmaking Abbey Frisco Personal, Filmmaking Abbey Frisco

When the Magician Stops Believing in Magic

A magician never reveals their secrets.

You’ve all heard the phrase.

A professional and seasoned magician performs some impossible and mysterious act on-stage in front of a stunned audience. You sit there in awe thinking to yourself, “How on earth did they do that?” After the show the magician comes to the front of the house for a few moments to chat with fans and you decide to ask the one question you’ve been dying to know the whole night, already guessing the answer you’ll probably receive, but you want to try anyway.

“How’d you do it?”

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